Senin, 13 Mei 2013

The French Fries

I know, I know, as usual I've been away. I'm trying to correct that. But life has been completely mad, between having a family member hospitalized for a week and taking care of her, having a lot of work to do, getting a new camera (I KNOW! I'm so excited, but I'll get there in the next post!), I sort of slacked on the blog.

I'm here now, though, and I'm ready to share with you the pictures of a photoshoot I did with the lovely Carolina from The French Fries. Her blog is wonderful and she was lovely to work with; she did everything I asked and I don't think she found me too weird. Did you, Carolina? I hope not!

Either way, here is the result! Thanks Carol for being sweet enough to collaborate with me!

new camera!

So, you'll realize that this post should have come after the French Fries post, but I'm so excited that I'll share it anyway!

I have a new camera! A nikon D600, which is a full-frame camera — an upgrade that I should have done about a year ago, but I was lacking on funds. Until now. I finally took the leap and I can honestly tell you that the difference is astounding. 

I had been struggling with sharpness for a while. I looked at everyone else's pictures and I was heartbroken that I couldn't make mine look that clear, that focused. I tried and tried to go over it on photoshop, but it did close to nothing — ending up leaving me sad and frustrated and not even wanting to photograph. 

Until I bought the D600. 

I realized that the problem wasn't exactly mine, but the camera's. The full-frame makes a huge difference — the photos are clear and sharp and wonderful. It's amazing. And here are some of the examples!


Se lerem bem o post vão perceber que este era suposto vir a seguir ao da French Fries, mas eu estou num entusiasmo tal que não aguento esperar até ao fim da tarde! 

Tenho uma câmara nova! Uma Nikon D600, que é full-frame — e que eu já devia ter há coisa de um ano, mas a verdade é que me faltavam fundos. Até agora! Consegui dar o salto, finalmente, e constatar que a diferença é abismal. 

Há algum tempo que eu andava a lutar um bocadinho contra a falta de nitidez e de clareza das minhas fotos. Eu olhava para o trabalho todo à minha volta e ficava de coração partido ao aperceber-me que não conseguia fazer o mesmo; tentando em photoshop ou na própria máquina, não havia nada que desse aquela nitidez, aquele contraste às minhas fotos. E isso deixou-me imensamente frustrada. 

Até comprar a D600.

Apercebi-me que o problema não era exactamente meu, mas da minha máquina anterior. O facto de a D600 ter um sensor que permite o dito full-frame faz toda a diferença e torna as fotos absolutamente maravilhosas. Eu estou histérica de felicidade. E ficam aqui alguns exemplos!

This was the first picture I took. ||  Esta foi a primeira foto que tirei!